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Float Cum Boost Charger ( FCBC )

Float - Cum - Boost charger is functionally a charger. We will discuss here briefly about functionality, operation and application of float cum boost charger [FCBC].

Float Cum Boost charger is functionally a charger. It work on two operating modes first float mode and second boost mode. Float Cum Boost Charger are used for charging batteries at sub station or power house protection circuit and telecom exchanges. They are used in places where non-interrupted Power supply required. Float chargers used in telecommunication industry consists of filler circuit to ensure continues power supply.

The float part of the charger remains in circuit even when the power is driven from batteries. There are few characteristics of a Float Cum Boost charger as given below:-
  • Power Supply: It operates on single phase or three phase power supply and designed for continuous operation.
  • Operation: The charger has two modes. Float mode and boost mode. In float mode, the FCBC supplies the DC load and the trickle charging current of the battery. Boost mode is meant for charging the battery. Automatic charging of battery is possible in the float mode. In this mode, when the current drawn by the battery exceeds the set value, the charger will automatically switch to charging mode to charge the battery. Once the battery current fails the charger returns to float mode. During mains fail, charger remains off and load was supplied by the battery.
  • Function: Power House FCBC are designed to supply continuous power to the DC load and simultaneously charge the batteries connected. Input supply from  415V  AC 3 Phase  and  220V  AC 1 Phase  is converted to regulated DC. The charger has two independent systems. Normally the DC Power supplied to the load by the float charger. It also supplies trickle current to the battery to keep it healthy.  If the charging current under float mode exceeds a set level, Boost charger is switched ON. It supplies quick charging current to the battery. On battery reaching the set value the boost charger is switched off.
  • Application: Float Cum Boost Chargers are must in power sub stations, generating stations, telephone exchanges for controlling, monitoring systems, tripping circuits and supplying DC Power source.


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