Method to clear putty screen while working with Linux Server. It will clear screen buffer and provide true experience of clear screen ( console ). Have you ever worked remotely with Linux system? it is common to work remotely on Linux system. Putty is popular remote login tool in system admin community. It's freely available open source software and it works on Linux as well as Windows platform. It's widely adopted tool for remote login. Figure: Putty Icon - Popular Remote Login Software. Now imagine you are connected remotely with a Linux system and you are troubleshooting some problem. You are typing command on putty console and running it and after some time all screen field with lot of text. Screen become messy with full of text and create confusion while troubleshooting Linux system. After then you type clear command on console and all text cleared as you execute clear command but as soon as you touch scroll bar or up down arrow key, text returned on console. Now you a